
Little roses for love.

So today, some BComm students organized an event to spread love. As long as you contribute by writing a love note on a post-it and put it up on the board provided, then you can get a beautiful rose for free!
Oh yes. It was a really generous thing. They did it for their class project. But hey! Many were enjoying the beautiful roses. Including me of course.
College started early and sleepy. Caught up with some A Levels friends and then went out for brunch with Michelle at O'Briens. Had some quality time. Yes my first time to that place after *counts using finger* ... a year and 2 months? Massive fail.
Back to KPD E and the 'love booth' was up! So Justin was one of the first to write a love note saying "MROAR!!" and he got me a red rose. How sweet. It bloomed so beautifully that I was mesmerized by it. For real. I got him a champagne colored rose but it was kinda droopy. Unfortunately. Not many choices left to pick from.
We ended up being hooked on a LOVE topic based on 'what is love'. My love note was 'love is not love without love' Mind-fked eh? Yeah its nonsensical, redundant, but true in a way. So they started tweeting all those horny things about love on Imani's twitter. Poor girl. People may start thinking she's horny now.
'Love is men. Naked men.' 'Love is falling lingerie.' 'Love is when you go mroar and jump.' 'Love is something hard.' 'Love is wet.' 'Love is down there.' What?
Everything that came out from our mouths simply don't make sense and are certainly horny stuffs. But nonetheless, we enjoyed it. Certainly a day to remember. Something to miss about ADP and college when I'm gone. Some day.
Mr. Ho was indeed, scary as usual. Well, he's gotten more strict these days. Hmm... What else?
Oh and Jeremy Choy complimented on my so called hidden talent in dancing. For real? He's so pro in dancing and he said I have the style, swag, something to pull of in dance. Oh well, no one actually told me that so I'm kinda a little in seventh heaven. And I tried the so called laughing gas. No it didn't work on me. I didn't laugh my head off. Everything is still well attached to me body. Instead, that thing that I breathed in, cause me a headache for a while. Feeling? Not good. So it will be the only time that I'll try. I'll probably try it some other time to see if it has an effect, when everyone's laughing that is. Maybe its conformity. Yes definitely.
After class, hung out with Derrick and Amanda. Even now, I'm still in a group chat with them. It feels so good to just talk to them. Somehow. They are nice people. :D Me likey...
Oh that's all I guess. I need to work on my assignment due on Friday tomorrow... Staying up late at night? I guess so. *shrugs*

And I'm out. Nights.
Pei Ning.


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