
Stars Round the World

Name any of your 5 friends.( or more ) Make sure it is not anime characters names or some superstars names! And follow what is written below.

Name of the Friend
- Nicknames (If he/she has)
(Picture) (optional)
- 3 things that u think he/she likes
- 2 things that u think he/she dislikes
- 1 thing special about him/her
- 1 thing that u think is interesting about him/her
- 1 thing that u can comment about him/her

After everything, tag 8 of your friends which can be in the list or not in the list.

Chiang Xi- Ning
Nicknames : None that i can think of.
3 things she might like : Japan, Japan culture and an anime character - Zack
2 things that she might dislike : Backstabbers and 2-faced people.
1 thing special about her : She is frank and natural.
1 thing that i think is interesting about her : Likes to throw smiles to whoever everywhere.
1 thing that i can comment about her : My best intimate friend.
Kong Shu Ning
Nicknames : Ning~
3 things she might like : Reading, joking and talk about science.
2 things she might dislike : Laziness and dishonest people.
1 thing special about her : Her height fascinates me.
1 thing that i think is interesting about her : The way she speaks.
1 thing that i can comment about her : Fun but sometimes acts spooky.
Joel Soon
Nicknames : Power, Joule, Energy
3 things he might like : Computer, his guitar and being alone?
2 things he might dislike : Being class monitor and being ordered around.
1 thing special about him : His cool attitude.
1 thing that i think is interesting about him : His "g's" and "y's" is different from the others.
1 thing that i can comment about him : He is too deep for me to understand.
Lai Yi Xuan
Nicknames : Lala- popo
3 things she might like : Self-syoking, presents and computer.
2 things she might dislike : Studies and bad results.
1 thing special about her : Family and friends are No.2 which is after herself..
1 thing that i think is interesting about her : Her presence in front of the com.
1 thing that i can comment about her : She can be weird at times.
Lim Ming Soon
Nicknames : God of all Doomed
3 things he might like : Green (cause it resembles doom), wild imaginations and his lizard
2 things he might dislike : People un-doomed? Colour that does not resembles doom?
1 thing special about him : He looks All-Good-Boy-Secondary-Student but likes doomed things.
1 thing that i think is interesting about him : His neat handwriting.
1 thing that i can comment about him : Don't judge a book by its cover.
Tag : No One...


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