
Japan Part V

There are many other stuff I did while I was in Japan such as Ken Dou, making mochi, writing Chinese calligraphy and eating sushi.

I was " assigned " to hit the dummy with all the other small children. It was fun at the beginning but seeing the others of my age having sword fight with each other, I felt like I was omitted from the group. However, being able to wear the Ken Dou uniform mended all the unpleasant feelings.P1010594 P1010587 P1010588 P1010592

Next was making mochi for New Year! It was fun doing something which can warm my cold pair of hands during winter. :D

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Writing Chinese calligraphy was one of my favourite activities. Main reason was because my writing is not bad! The ones with black ink are mine!

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Of course, eating sushi was a bliss. Love raw salmon. Unfortunately, I choked on the cuttle fish sushi. ;P

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At the airport back to Malaysia!

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Satisfied Evelyn


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