
The day I extracted my wisdom tooth.

And this song shuffles into my playlist
Tragedy - Beegees
No I didn't cheat it really did start playing when I start writing

The morning I extracted my wisdom tooth more like it.
So, I woke up in the morning to the same song I wake up to every time when I set my alarm.
I absolutely hate it when we fought the night before and I go to bed feeling mad yet waking up to our song the next morning. Sigh.
Went down stairs for breakfast, which was supposed to be very filling since I'll be pulling off my teeth and not able to eat for a while, I only ate two pieces of wholemeal bread. No appetite. Its Saturday morning, so I watched some cartoon obviously. Kim Possible namely. Brushed my teeth properly and changed into a red shirt. Ya know, red for blood spill. Coincidently, the few more people I met after that seem to be wearing red as well, my dad, the maid opposite of my house. Heck she was wearing red shirt and red pants. I almost got a heart attack thinking the world has gone wrong and today might just be the end of the world. I have great imagination. Like a child. The next thing that came across my mind was the red shirt army O.O
So I had my tooth pulled out. I absolutely hate the gag reflex. And now the bleeding won't stop :'(
Now nothing but waiting till it stops and the numbness to go away then the pain kicks in and FML.

Anyways, I camwhored a little with my tooth. Precious one. And here's my collection.
Yeah I collect all my teeth but four of them (my first time pulling teeth in a dentist clinic) because I didn't know we can keep our tooth :'(
If you're not a fan of these kind of stuff and even find it gory. Kindly leave this page immediately.

Yeah. I love my teeth so I collect them. Some broken into half but I put them together in the picture so you can see which are the broken ones :)

Till I meet the tooth fairy tonight! Shall be sleeping early.

PeiNing *:)


Emory Lanzi said...
Friday, January 06, 2012

You have quite a collection there! My nephew must have collected around two or three teeth before, but eventually lost interest. He is scheduled to have his wisdom tooth extracted next week, and I will be accompanying him. I think it's kinda cool to collect your extracted tooth. It serves as a simple reminder to always keep proper dental hygiene.

Anonymous said...
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

wisdom teeth removal You have done a amazing job with you website.

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